Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Urgent! The FAST PATH to 16-24 sign-ups per month!…

Hey there,
I’d feel horrible if I didn’t let you know about this Webinar that’s going on Wednesday Dec. 10th at 9PM Eastern…
Been struggling to recruit reps into your business?…

Tired of taking the long way to top earner status?.. Then you’ll definitely want to be on the MLSP Weekly Training Webinar Dec. 10th @ 9PM EST!
Industry leader (and spooky smart dude) Steve Jaffe has perfected a proven Webinar formula that allows you to easily recruit 16-24 prospects per month into ANY business!
Not only that… his formula allows you to earn $3,000+ per webinar (even if you’re a complete beginner!)…
It’s happening Wednesday at 9PM Easter and it’s filling up very quickly so grab your spot now!
Here’s what you’ll learn…
** Why network marketers are “irrationally” attracted to webinars and how to exploit this compulsion to suck in 15-30 leads daily.
** How to get 50% opt-in on your Webinar registration page (when 30%-40% is “Standard”). Same traffic, almost double the result…
** A unique strategy to generate “Double Leads” that both register for your Webinar… AND get added to your list at the same time (so YOU can market to them for years)…
** How to get webinar attendees into a “state”, so time is suspended, and your presentation is the ONLY thing that matters to them. (This creates insane sign-ups and sales!)…
** Steve’s secret to closing a ridiculous 17%-24% of Webinar attendees into any opportunity, product, or service… using the coveted ‘Influence Tactics’ of the power elite…
** And much more!
This Webinar Happens Wednesday Dec.10th @ 9PM EST (get on EARLY!)…
See ya on the Webinar,
