Monday, March 30, 2015


There is a common thought that many NEW MARKETERS are led to believe.. That making money online can be QUICK…

What you need is a GREAT PRODUCT, and some gimmicks for getting people to buy… Just say that “many are buying”  “everyone loves your product”… etc. etc.. 
The sad part of this theory is that many do believe that to make money online one does not have to “work”… one does not have to “plan”.. One does not have to study and “learn important marketing strategies”..

Let me just say at this point, that a lot of what many believe is not true..

However, One can make money online… but you do need to learn the KNOW HOW..  Here are MY:

5 MUST-DO’S that YOU MUST do if you want to be successful… 

1.  START A LIST – by COLLECTING PEOPLE – (THINK Pools of people.  The saying “YOUR LIST IS YOUR Money”.. Should not be taken lightly. 

Your LIST will be your beginning point from where you will OFFER YOUR PRODUCT(S).   NOW, your may be wondering – ‘where will YOU GO TO FIND PEOPLE”

Let’s start with Social Media; e.g. Pintrest; Instagram; Facebook; Google Plus; Twitter;  Events  -- (national or international;  and so forth.   On these sites you will find pools of people many of whom will no doubt be interested in what you are offering. 

2.  GET VITAL INFORMATION – (this is known as “CAPTURE” ).  This step is made easy with the use of the “FUNNELIZER” – this software simply COLLECTS EMAIL ADDRESSES  and send them over to the AUTORESPONDER with very little effort on your part. 

No longer do you need to “hold parties” and get groups of people to come to a location and “fill out forms”…  The FUNNELIZER is designed specifically for this activity.

If you are interested in LEARNING MORE about the ‘FUNNELIZER” CLICK HERE for more information.

3.  COMMUNICATE using the “email addresses” brought to you by the “FUNNELIZER”.   Your primary method of communication will be through the method of EMAIL.  These emails will be sent to each RESPONDENT with the aid of an AUTO-RESPONDER (communicate with them). 

This auto-responder can be filled with “PRE-WRITTEN EMAILS” with various topics of THINGS you wish to communicate.


Your question may now be “What do I communicate”? 

  •  Share what you are learning 
  •  Share information about PRODUCTS YOU ARE OFFERING.

  • Share “BUILT FOR YOU PAGES”.   YOU send a link that will take them to the  “built for you Page”

4.  CLOSE or MAKE A SALE.   You may also “make an OFFER”.

5.  REPEAT “STEPS 1 TO 4.   This is called CONSISTENCY.  Do not stray..  do not deviate.. do not get side-tracked;   stay focused… 

Consistently communicating with your LEADS which you received as you visited the various social media sites, events -- will INCREASE THE SIZE of your LIST, and also INCREASE the RESPONSE POSSIBILITIES to the OFFERS you make CONSISTENTLY.

To Your Success

Click Here to Grab My “Stay In Contact Formula”

If you found this video helpful be sure to Tag someone and share it!

P.S. If you could use more leads for your business you may want to take a peak at the system I have been using for over 2 years now.   Check it out here!


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Re-targeting And Creating Custom Audiences

2015-03-11_1854Every online marketer is seeking success in his/her business.  The question is: how does one become successful online.

What is the ONE THING that is required for an online marketer to be successful.   The answer is LEADS.  Without LEADS your business is DEAD. By learning the tips given below you will be better able to succeed at re-targeting and creating custom audiences.

There are 3 TOOLS and STRATEGIES that are vital when planning to target LEADS
  1. You need a CAPTURE PAGE
  2. You need a MARKETING METHOD
  3. You need an AWESOME FOLLOW-UP system
Now that we have set out what is needed to best target leads; the following questions must be satisfied to get the absolute success with the above TOOLS mentioned above…
  • Would you like to learn how to seek out your perfect BUYER so that you never spend foolishly -- and find buyers easily on Facebook
Questions You Need To Answer: 1.. What are you promoting 2.. What is Your Product 3.. What problems will it solve 4.. Who will benefit from your product  
  • LEARN how to Re-target using “retargeting pixel secrets”. How much more easier can it be than to RETARGET prospects who have already visited your websites  ( it’s like stalking your prospects legally until they buy)   WATCH THE VIDEO -- HERE
  • UNDERSTAND what Facebook ‘Insights’ mean for your business and apply Facebook ‘Insights Panel’ intelligence to use.
FINALLY: It is not enough just to get by with a few points on how to do a particular project.

Facebook is constantly changing, therefore we must be prepared to change also… therefore, you must have a MINDSET that is OPEN TO LEARNING. If you wish to succeed online… if your online activity is not just to meet friends but to make money, to build a LIFESTYLE… then you must adapt a mindset that is WILLING TO LEARN CONTINUALLY….

The points listed above will be demonstrated in the video listed.

Get your NOTEBOOK and set aside some time to LEARN what everybody else is learning.


To Your Success

If you found this video helpful be sure to Tag someone and share it!
P.S. If you could use more leads for your business you may want to take a peak at the system I have been using for over 2 years now.   Check it out here!


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Don’t Get Left Behind | Your Competitors Are Learning This Stuff Tonight

Don’t Get Left Behind   |  Your Competitors Are Learning This Stuff This Week

How Companies and Savvy Marketers Can Literally Zone In On you While You Surf The Internet

One of the spookiest things about what Bill and Michelle Pescosolido are teaching on Facebook tonight . . . how deadly accurate they can get with targeting their perfect customer.

It's a little freaky when you think of how companies and savvy marketers can literally zone in on you while you surf the internet...

...FOLLOW you around...

And drop an offer in your lap at the perfect time.'s FRIGGIN' EXCITING AS HECK when you flip things around...and 

YOU are the one doing all that fancy target marketing, and selling boatloads of stuff, sucking in all the targeted leads you'll ever need, and climbing up your companies leader boards!

This is the stuff that will be revealed by Bill and Michelle 
TONIGHT at 9PM Eastern on the MLSP Weekly Training Webinar

Over 3400 people registered last week for Part 1. 

You can just imagine what the numbers will look like this week. 

Click Below to Snag YOUR Spot Now...


Here's what Bill and Michelle have ready to rock
 Tonight at 9PM Eastern for Part 2... 

·  How to seek out your perfect BUYER so that you never waste a single dime of ad-spend again (buyers are easier to find on FaceBook than you think) 
·  The #1 Trick to Create 'Custom Audiences' on FB that all but GUARANTEE you make sales... (this is better than having an ATM on your front porch) 
·  RETARGETING PIXEL SECRETS: there is not a better way to market online today than to RETARGET and follow prospects who have already visited your websites (this is likeethically and legally stalking your prospects until they buy!) 
·  What the 'Insights Panel' on your Fan Page actually means for your business, and how to use this to seek out invaluable intel and make a fortune on FaceBook! 
·  And plenty more where that came from...
Get Registered Now and Get On at Least 15 Minutes Early...

Click the Link Below Now...

To Your Success

If you found this video helpful be
sure to Tag someone and share it!

P.S. If you could use more leads for your
business you may want to take a peak at the syst
em I have been using for over 2 years
Check it out here!

Your Competitors Are Learning This Stuff This Week | Are You?

Your Competitors Are Learning This Stuff This Week. Are You?

If you’ve attempted to market on FaceBook, you have probably heard the term ‘Retargeting Pixel.’

2 questions for you:

1) Do you know what a retargeting pixel is? (and how incredibly POWERFUL they are)

2) Do you know how to add one to your website / blog?
If you are unclear on either of the above questions,


We’ll also be dissecting Custom Audiences, optimizing your ads, and finding your best customers on FB.

Retargeting Pixels Dissected… Your competitors are learning this stuff this week. Are you?

Register Here:


P.S. - This Wednesday’s training is part 2 of an in-depth FaceBook curriculum.
If you missed part 1, 

carve out 1 hour tonight to watch this so you don’t get left behind:

To Your Success

If you found this video helpful be
sure to Tag someone and share it!

P.S. If you could use more leads for your
business you may want to take a peak at the syst
em I have been using for over 2 years
  Check it out here!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

[Download] New Facebook “Cheat Sheet” for 23+ Leads a Day...

Hey there!!

You've probably noticed...

Facebook is an ever-changing marketing platform.


Luckily...we've got two of the most effective Facebook marketers on the internet who've got MLSP's back! 

L6 Leaders Michelle and Bill Pescosolido
 have built a 7-Figure Biz on Facebook. 

How does that happen? They simply kept plugging away at it, and improving response rates over and over again.. 

Now...they're back with even more 
NEW Facebook Ad strategies that YOU can start applying right away and hit  23+ leads per day practically out of the gate


Because you'll 
simply swipe what's ALREADY working for Bill and Michelle!! 

Make sense right? You want what those who are already getting results do

 Night @ 9PM Eastern on the MLSP Weekly Training Webinar
 is your chance to do just that. 

Register NOW at the Link Below...

Here's a sneak peak of what will be revealed TOMORROW Night...

  • The Top 3 best performing Facebook ads that ALL the top FB marketers are using right now! (get an unfair advantage when you swipe them for yourself!)... 

  • How to amass a loyal legion of followers and fans, andquickly turn them into paying customers... 

  • How to get secret access to the “Cheat Sheet” that gives you an “insider’s edge” to the most current and cutting edge marketing strategies to Get Leads using Facebook... OVERNIGHT!... 

  • The Simple 3-Step Process to structure your FB videos so you instantly capture prospect's attention and persuade them to BUY (NOTE: This is the secret that ALL 7 & 8 Figure Facebook Marketing “gurus” are using. Keep quiet on this one!)... 

And much more! 

Grab Your Spot Now
to get the advanced FB strategies that can slingshot your biz to the next level (No matter where YOU'RE at now!)...

To Your Success

If you found this video helpful be
sure to Tag someone and share it!

P.S. If you could use more leads for your
business you may want to take a peak at the syst
em I have been using for over 2 years
  Check it out here!