Thursday, September 3, 2015

5 ways to work from home Action Plan | work at home jobs online

5 ways work from home Action Plan | work at home jobs online
Do you have a daily action plan that sets you up for success? If your answer is NO let me state at this point that you are doing several things daily …
Let’s look at a few:               

·         you tend to fumble about your day with no clear direction about what to do with your time
·         You possibly let a whole day go by possibly looking at your to-do list only to realize that very little got accomplished.
·         You have plenty of distractions throughout the day that can take your focus off your goals.
·         Some distractions may be stronger as you try to avoid the very tasks you know need to be done for example “income-producing activities” like calling your leads or making a video, writing a post, etc
·         Instead you possibly end up doing mundane tasks such as watering the plants, folding laundry, scrolling through Facebook, making dinner, or vacuuming the living room which are non-income producing activities.
As one who is working from the comfort of your home, you are responsible for creating your own tasks and schedule, a fact many of us home business entrepreneurs forget.  The fact that everyone’s distractions are different does not minimize the reality that these distractions can sabotage your success if you don’t find a way to minimize or eliminate them.
Let me at this time share with you 5 daily activities which you can begin doing today in order to increase your productivity, stay on focus, and get more out of your day.
1.       Begin Your Day With A Purpose
How you spend your morning sets the tone for your entire day. If you wake up groggy with no purpose, then the rest of your day will reflect that. How often do you find yourself just rolling out of bed and immediately checking your phone; scrolling through Facebook posts, checking email, or reading text messages. 
By doing this you completely give away your personal power at the very start of your day causing  you to focus on other people’s problems or requests rather than be centered and complete any of your own tasks that day.
To start your mornings with intention one recommendation is putting “your phone on airplane mode”.  This act lets you begin your day putting yourself and your goals as the number one priority.

Some suggestions on how to do this:
·         Plan your day the night before
·         Read a chapter from a motivational book
·         Spend time meditating
·         Listen to a morning motivational call (like the awesome one MLSP hosts every weekday)
·         Write down in a journal what you are grateful for
·         Drink a green smoothie, juice, or eating a healthy breakfast to fuel your brain and energy
By doing any of these things or a combination thereof is a sure way to start your day off full of energy, passion, and excitement for your business.

2. Make Income-Producing Activities Your First Choice
This demands major mindset shifts. One of those shifts is to stop thinking like an hourly paid or salaried employee because the reality is you don’t get paid for time as an entrepreneur. You get paid for the VALUE you bring to the marketplace.
Avoid filling your days with busy work just to feel productive. It’s much more important to focus on income-producing activities such as the activities that actually bring in sales.

 Here are a few suggestions I am passing on to you:
·         Create a master list of ALL of the tasks you need to accomplish
·         Go through the list and pick your TOP 3 tasks that are most important
·         Complete ONLY those tasks for a designated amount of time with no other distractions
·         Once those 3 tasks are done, pick the next 3 most important

How easy is that!!

·         Doing these activities first thing in the morning as opposed to later in the day, it decreases the chances of them not getting accomplished.   This demands a real plan
·         Typically, we get more and more interruptions as the day goes on, so knock out your profit producing tasks before the world can distract you!
·         Schedule your content in advance.  Doing this clears more of your time during the day to engage with followers and prospects.   This might be a good strategy if you have difficulty completing your content.
·         Batch your work and see what items you can get done in one sitting.   For e.g. making videos? Make 5 or 10 in one session. The same is recommended with your blog posts, or emails to your list, images you create, and social media posts you share. Plan, prepare, and schedule out what you can so that your week is filled with more income-producing activities.

3. Approach your activities with Intensity
Take ACTION. You need to know exactly what you desire and do the necessary tasks consistently to make it happen. 
Here is where you shift roles from consumer to business owner.
·         Don’t purchase course after course with no implementation.
·         Don’t attend webinars to learn new strategies but never share that knowledge with the marketplace.
·         Don’t keep planning and dreaming of success, but get stuck in busy work rather than the activities that will make you money.
·         If your WHY is strong enough and you focus more on your future self rather than your current circumstances, taking massive action will be something that comes easily to you over time.

4. Keep Track Of Your Results and Progress or Lack of It
If you never track anything, how will you know what works? 
·         You need to record your daily business activities as well as the results they produced if you truly want to build a scalable business.
·         Set goals for yourself, such as how many email subscribers you want to join your list each month or what monthly income goal you want to hit in 90 days.
·         Once you create some “measurable goals”, you can then break them down into smaller goals. Then you are able to determine what activities you need to do on a daily basis in order to produce those results.
·         An  example of a measurable goal:
Let’s say you want to get 10 leads per day from video marketing. If you know that ONE of your videos typically generates 2 leads per day, then you would need to make at a minimum four more videos (with comparable traffic and calls to action) to get to 10 leads per day.
·         Now if you didn’t track your results, then you wouldn’t be able to determine which activity you should do more of and which activity no longer serves you.
·         The more you track, the more you can improve! The more you improve, the more you can grow as a person and business.
5. Surrounding Yourself with Positive Influences – Including How You Think
What are “negative influences”?
·         These can be things like TV, radio, social media posts, and even family and friends. To reach your true potential and achieve your goals, it is crucial that you remove or minimize these negative influences from your life.
·         Even more important is to surround yourself with the people and information that you DO want in your life. These are the positive influences that serve you and help you grow.
·         Positive influences can include success books, motivational videos, meditation mp3s, personal development audio books, online communities in your niche, and people who support and encourage your vision.
·         If you can’t physically surround yourself with people who “get it”, you can easily accomplish this by surrounding yourself with messages that reinforce what you are working to accomplish.
·         Turn your car into a university on wheels by listening to personal development on rides. Follow and engage on social media posts by people who understand and support your journey. Plug into a community (like MLSP) where you are free to ask questions, be yourself, and get the feedback you need to achieve your goals.
·         As a home business owner, you will face obstacles, criticism and setbacks. To get through these hurdles you will need an unshakeable success mindset and positive friends to cheer you on, hold you accountable, and help you get back on track when you lose your way.”

 If you got value from this post?   Please comment below and like & share on Facebook.   Research shows that good things happen to people who share this post. 

To Your Success

Marva Cooke

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